CCTV - (No) Privacy
I wonder how many images the surveillance cameras take on daily basis? They are there for our safety, but do they prevent crime or other (violent) incidents? How many images are ultimately used as evidence in criminal cases? How reliable are these images when not contextualised?
We seem to take the cameras in public space for granted. However, how many images are there of you? How long and where are the images stored? Are you sure they will not be used against you one day?
I want to trigger the viewer to think about these implications. At the same time I want to open up the poetic world that is created by those same images.
If I were a Surveillance Guard, I would dream-up compositions, zoom in on interactions, let myself be carried along in the flow of people. I would drown in the details or zoom out to how we move around in our environment, like an improvised choreography created by the people and the city.
Photo’s different sizes, 2 movies, wall poster
Exhibition at Fotodok Utrecht, 2015